Roast Turkey curbside pickup meal, seniors 60plus

Roast Turkey curbside pickup meal, seniors 60plus

October 26, 2023  |  Bloomfield Town Hall, 289 Main Street, Bloomfield, ON K0K 1G0

PEC Community Care for Seniors

Community Care’s next curbside pickup will be Thursday, October 26th. Pickup will be from The Bloomfield Town Hall, at 12:00 p.m. Meal consists of soup, a roll, roast turkey, with dressing, cranberry sauce, seasonal veggies and a fruit tart. The cost is $20 per meal. Please pre-order and pay for your meal by calling the office at 613-476-7493 by Monday, October 23rd.

Date: Thursday, October 26th 
Time: 12:00 p.m.
Location: Bloomfield Town Hall, 289 Main Street, Bloomfield

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