Grapevine Friday

Grapevine Friday

Grapevine Magazine
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What's the Buzz, Sports Round-up, Pet Report, and Arts Scene
Friday from 12:05pm to 1pm / 6:05pm to 7pm

The Grapevine NewsMagazine

The Grapevine is a one-hour magazine show airing Monday to Friday at noon and replayed at 6 PM, brought to life by a dedicated team of over 25 volunteers.

SPORTS ROUNDUP host Craig Forster

PET REPORT: host Dave Wheatley 

WHAT’S THE BUZZ? Host Raj Dhillon

New Music: host Pat Larkin 

ARTSCENE: hosts Sarah Moran, Cheryl Singer, Catelyn Thornton, MaryAnn Farrell and Pamela Mayhew.

The Grapevine NewsMagazine

The Grapevine is a one-hour magazine show airing Monday to Friday at noon and replayed at 6 PM, brought to life by a dedicated team of over 25 volunteers. Designed to inform, educate, and entertain residents of Prince Edward County and beyond. 

Craig Foster hosts Sports Roundup, delivers updates on our local teams while Dave Wheatley on the Pet Report helps reunite lost pets with their families and showcases rescue animals seeking their forever homes. What’s the Buzz? host, Raj Dhillon and a variety of film and media personalities chat about  upcoming local films and media events. New Music host, Pat Larkin, shares the latest releases, trends, and insights on the music scene.

Our ARTSCENE hosts, Sarah Moran, Cheryl Singer, Catelyn Thornton, Mary Ann Farrell, and Pamela Mayhew keep the community engaged with highlights from the arts world including shows, gallery exhibits, and events that promote local talent.

The Grapevine is the show where all things that make the county run come together, and where there’s something for everyone.

Friday from 12:05pm to 1pm and repeats from 6:05pm to 7pm

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