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Don Leslie

Don Leslie joined the County FM news team in early 2024. Don does the noon and 2pm news every Friday. Originally from Montreal, Don moved to the County with his wife, and co-newscaster Rosalind in 2019.

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Rosalind Leslie

Rosalind Leslie joined the County FM news team in early 2024. Rosalind does the 4 and 6pm news every Friday. Rosalind started volunteering for 99.3 County FM about a year ago. She reports the weather from […]


Bas Kalt

Bas does news Thursday at 4:00 and sometimes hosts Reel County on Friday. Born in Holland but, at seven years of age, found myself in New Orleans, which is where I grew up. After attending […]


Carol Anne Love

Carol does news every Friday at noon. Born and raised in Scarborough and Kingston, Ontario, Carol prefers to consider herself a citizen of the world, having lived in New Mexico, Colorado, and most recently, Spain; […]